In Our Words

What is your first memory of sneakers?
I must have been about 8 or 9 & I remember wearing a pair of red & white Puma Baskets at a sports day. Not exactly ideal for running, but you know?!

What’s your favourite sneaker (for now, or for all time)?
My favourite shoes at the moment have to be my OG Air Span IIs or my 180 IDs. Both pure class, if I do say so myself.

What can you tell about a person by looking at their feet?
You can tell so much from their shoes. I’ve never understood why people wear really dirty, beaten up trainers with odd lacing. I can understand if it’s functional, but I’m talking about people wearing trainers for fashion, but still they never clean their kicks & have no idea about keeping them in good condition.

I like it when shoes are subtly matched. Say a tiny part of colour on a shoe matched with a tee or something like that. You can see that this person has thought about their whole look. You don’t have to be vain to want the get the look right. You can immediately tell if they’ve happened upon a cool pair of kicks by accident or whether they truly love & appreciate what they’re wearing on their feet.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve done for a pair of kicks?
I slept on a street in London so that I could get the Stussy Court Force. It was actually much fun, but I hooked up with loads of friends, so it wasn’t as if it was a chore or anything. Plenty of jokes & much fun!

What would you like to see at an fsf party near you?
Free beer!!! Haha, seriously, it would just be nice to see a party over here, because FSF is so US centric. I’d like some sneaker related artwork & some hot shoes on display.

What artist would you like to see involved in a collab? With who?
I seem to have really liked all of Stussy’s collabs with Nike. Having said that, I’m most impressed with people’s ID designs, it’s more personal. I mean, you know Futura blazers, Haze dunks, they’re all good, but sometimes the hype kills it.

How has the online snkr community influenced you or your collection?
They’ve made me spend more money!!! I find that trying to keep up with every new release can leave a serious dent in your cash flow, so I’ve slowed right down & I now only get a few select pieces. Of course, I’d love to have more cash, but I’d rather have fewer shoes in my collection that are loved, rocked & cherished than a stream of shoes that I can take or leave. The people I’ve met too, I’ve got the Crooked Tongues forum to thank for some sweet friendships.

What’s been the highlight of your sneaker career?
So many highlights really, but firstly it would have to be meeting so many nice people, through a mutual love of sneakers or in the course of their work for shoe related companies.

Second would have to be going to the Nike ID Studio in London. I felt so privileged as a fiend & as a female. I know some people that love shoes that didn’t get to go. They were so friendly & helpful & when the end product turned up on my doorstep, WHOAH! They were heaven, in my opinion of course! They are one of my most prized shoes & are totally me!

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